Re: wind farms

Posted By:

> I think that it is a great idea, especially if it will disguise the fact over
> the years that a nuclear power site was there previously. This is what
> puts a lot of people "off" the area and a wind farm can only go some way
> in enhancing people's opinion of that area.

I never worried about the nuclear power generation on the peninsula -- after all, it doesn't contribute to global warming in the same way as fossil fuels or worse still the latest "biofuel" trials which just involve chucking 5% sawdust in at coal stations "to meet quotas" on renewable energy. I believe that had privatisation of the power industry not occured, and the green lobby had not been so paranoid about the whole thing; then the research regarding re-use of "spent" nuclear fuel in fast breeder reactors could have been a little more developed.

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